Let everyone know about the plan

Let your family know that the photo shoot is a special event and that you’re excited to hang pictures of them all over your walls.

Take your time to get ready

Getting ready + little kids = stress. Getting ready + little kids +


I love photographing walking.

embrace the chaos

I have ZERO expectations of well behaved kids. The happier the better.

Be ready to play

be ready to play, the best way to capture authentic joy is to be in the moment.


Kids will pick up on your energy. Stay positive and happy and they will too. I will capture all those in between moments. Grumpy partners can be.

Getting the shot

It’s hard to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time, so I will take a TON of photos. I’ll tell you a photography secret, that group shot where everyone is looking at the camera is actually created in photoshop half the time. Kids don’t want to look at the camera and smile, so I’ll take a TON of photos and eventually there will be one where they make eye contact.


weather tip

So you’re excited for your golden hour glowy sunset photos, and the day of your photoshoot the clouds have appeared out of nowhere. This despair.